Performance (Pioniernutzung Haus der Statistik)
19.9.2019 8:00 -8:30pm
Haus der Statistik, Haus D (Entrance Otto-Braun-Straße) in 10187 Berlin
Holding Space – Yon Natalie Mik in conversation with Ellinor Euler

© Bernd Sieben und A trans
Dancer Yon Natalie Mik will create movements for Holding Space, 2019 to engage in direct conversation with Ellinor Euler’s sculptural drawings Fellow Lodgers. Mik’s body „cannot be anything but an offering, a giving of what one does not have“, and a transcription of the disappearance.
Her movements are holding space for all of those who seek to transgress the reproductive ideology of visible representation.
Yon Natalie Mik is an experimental dancer, choreographer, and writer based in Berlin/LA.
The performance is featured by A TRANS at the Haus Statistik as part of the ‚Pioneer Uses‘ program organized by The Network of the independent Berlin Project Spaces and Initiatives in collaboration with Haus der Statistik.
For further information