Exhibition (Pioniernutzung Haus der Statistik)
11.9. — 29.09.2019 | Open Hours permanently
Haus der Statistik, Haus D (Entrance Otto-Braun-Straße) in 10187 Berlin

© Bernd Sieben und A trans
Made of conventional enameled wire, Ellinor Euler’s Fellow Lodgers occupy spaces. They are found either in niches and protrusions or occupy the entire space. The artist transfers graphic structures into spacial drawings. Thus individually adapted room installations are created.
Ellinor Euler studied architecture in Berlin. At the same time she developed her artistic oeuvre, with which she has won numerous awards and prizes. Since 2006 she has regularly traveled to India on guest fellowships and for work trips. Ellinor Euler lives and works in Berlin and at Kunsthaus Dosse Park in Wittstock.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 5-7 PM
Isolde Nagel, A TRANS
The artist is present.
For further information
The Network of the independent Berlin Project Spaces and Initiatives (Netzwerk freier Berliner Projekträume und –initiativen) collaborates with Haus der Statistik initiative (Initiative Haus der Statistik) within the framework of pioneer uses (Pioniernutzung). This enables various project spaces and initiatives for different uses of space.
As a beginner, the project space A TRANS starts parallel to the opening of the Berlin Art Week at Haus der Statistik.