A TRANS feat. ARLA with Carly Chubak, Miranda J. Friedman, Yon Natalie Mik, Joshua Oduga, Tu Nguyen, Stephanie Sherwood and Katie Shanks
7.6. — 23.6.2019
Vitrine at U- Bahnhof Kleistpark, 10834 Berlin

Programm B-LA CONNECT @Vitrine, U-Bahnhof Kleistpark
Live performances & installations daily till June 12, 2019
8 June 2019 10:30 Miranda J. Friedman
9 June 2019 10:30 Carly Chubak
10 June 2019 10:30 Tu Nguyen
11 June 2019 14:00 Katie Shanks
12 June 2019 14:00. Natalie Mik
STRATIGRAPHY SEQUENCE is a collaboration between Berlin project space A trans (@atrans) and members of Acceptable Risk LA (@acceptableriskla) as a part of B-LA Connect.
A trans is an itinerant conceptual laboratory for creative people and a platform for communication about contemporary art, architecture, urbanism and related culture with the focus on the city, space and architecture which found a set of like minded allies in the nomadic artist collective ARLA presenting art work and curatorial projects throughout its sprawl. Both exploring the possibilities of and drawing inspiration from their expansive urban environments and the diverse communities housed therein.
What makes a city become a city?Layered Experiences. Concentrated Space.
Each installation or performance is endeavoring to explore and distill down elements of experience—essentializing them—representing them within the confines of the A transvitrine.
Where do they separate and where do they melt together? Artistic Construction.
The artists are creating visual architectures to capture systems of classification then leaving the ephemera of those explorations in situ. Each one choosing whether to build on the foundations left by earlier artists or clear elements away to construct anew.
Are these categorizations even still comprehensible? Compositional Archeology.
Stratigraphy Sequenceasks viewers to navigate this spatial collage constructed through successively layered temporal deposits culminating in collaborative composition.
Featuring artists: @whatcarlysees@art.kshanks@stephanie_sherwood_art@mirandajfriedman@mummers22@tundeoduga @miknatalie
Friday, June 7, 2019 at 4-5 PM
Live performance by Katie Shanks & Stephanie Sherwood
In connection with the Opening von ARLA 5-11 pm at
Studio Baustelle, Berthelsdorfer Str. 11, 12043 Berlin-Neukölln
For further information
@atrans.org @aceptableriskla @b_la_connect