Book Launch
Sunday, June 27, 2018 // 4 PM
BOOK LAUNCH of the 4th edition of the Living Room Project Berlin
Atelier: Langhansstrasse 118, 13086 Berlin
(Within the framework of the Open Studio weekend in Pankow and Weissensee)
The set-up of this 4th Living Room Project Berlin remains the same as the previous years: participants come to the studio of Wijnvoord, choose a painting, and take it home for three months. One photograph is taken when the work is chosen; and a second just before it is collected and returns from its new home. Images and texts are gathered in the book: Living Room Project Berlin 2017.
Alongside the book release a small exhibition of recent works by the artist will be on view.

For further informations
Artist Project
March – September 2017
Location Berlin